Defensive Handgun (Level 5) - 907 Firearms LLC

907 Firearms LLC
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Defensive Handgun (Level 5)
Defensive Handgun will guide you through the steps you'll need to go from just sending rounds downrange to actually training in tested methods of self-defense.
From stance, grip and physical shooting technique, Defensive Handgun will hone your shooting skills incorporating movement, multiple targets, using cover, and training for real world scenarios.  
You'll get your body working with your gun instead of against it, you'll learn which intuitive skills work best with what your body will do naturally while under stress or in a defensive situation.  You'll learn to apply this information simply and effectively - regardless of your skill level.
This class involves a walk through shoot house with shoot, no-shoot decision making while moving through the house.
Defensive Handgun is an 4 hour range only class.
Prerequisite to take the class : Level 3, 4, or other instructor led class for holster draw.
You Will Learn The Following:
 ·         Working well with what the body does naturally
 ·         Balance of speed & precision
 ·         Stance & movement
 ·         High compressed ready position  
 ·         SUL ready position
 ·         Presentation from the ready position
 ·         Presentation from the holster
 ·         One-handed shooting (strong and weak hand)
 ·         Diagnosing your misses
 ·         Efficiency
 ·         Plausibility principle
 ·         Fighting as an athletic endeavor
 ·         Integrating your body's natural reaction into your training & response plan
 ·         Moving while armed and use of cover
 ·         Non-diagnostic linear malfunction response
Cost $75.00  ( 4 hours )
Course Fee Includes: Range fees, targets;
Copyright © 2024 907 Firearms LLC
PO Box 112128, Anchorage, AK 99511
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